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Arrange for a free, guided tour at RCRCD’s Land Use Learning Center (LLC), a demonstration garden of sustainable practices in three land uses: Native Habitats, Urban Areas, and Agriculture.

May contain: human, person, outdoors, clothing, apparel, garden, arbour, tree, and plant

A tour is the best way to learn about local native plants and animals and natural resource conservation, including habitat conservation and restoration, yard management, and sustainable agricultural methods.

May contain: garden, arbour, outdoors, patio, and porch

Explore the Arbor Walk and discover the benefits of trees to help prevent climate change and cool the urban heat island. Learn how to bring sustainable practices into your own landscape, and much more. Bring your garden club, conference attendees, staff, family and friends.  Groups of all sizes are welcome.

The LLC is open 8 am – 4pm daily. Please schedule tours in advance by contacting Erin Snyder at

May contain: plant, grass, nature, yard, outdoors, and lawn

Creating Sustainable Urban Areas

The Urban Area demonstrates ways to steward resources in urban or suburban eco-systems. Four styles of water-wise yards and lawn alternatives demonstrate wildlife-friendly plantings and landscaping with native plants. The “Arbor Trail” includes a variety of tree species that do well in harsh urban conditions of inland southern California. Interpretive signs depict components of urban forestry and the multiple values of trees. Learn how trees moderate for climate change, reduce air pollution, and mitigate the urban heat island effect. Visitors are provided information about proper tree care and planting, placement of trees to reduce energy use, invasive tree species, and more.

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May contain: plant, fruit, food, citrus fruit, and orange

Sustainable Agriculture

The Agricultural Area demonstrates crops that are adapted to the climate of inland southern California. Interpretive signs explain sustainable agricultural practices, including irrigation water management, integrated pest management, and the use of a variety of biological controls. Learn practices that sustainable farmers use to build topsoil, control soil erosion, and prevent sediment with attached pollutants from reaching our waterways. Find out how you can use your purchasing power to support sustainable agriculture and local farmers while enjoying foods that are often fresher, more nutritious, tastier and safer. By purchasing locally produced products, we reduce transportation impacts, costs, and fossil fuel use.

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