Plant Profiles
The plant profiles are in a tabular format with fields containing ecological, taxonomic, distribution, and genetic information to help botanists and land managers determine collection protocols and seed deployment strategies. They also contain details about seed biology and plant culture to help guide choice and production of plant materials in a way that reduces the chance for unintentional selection, loss of genetic diversity, or cross contamination of seed resources. The profiles provide important information about the differences among subspecies and varieties of focal species. Each profile is fully documented by providing links to important referenced databases and a bibliography at the end of the PDF file.
The following species were prioritized for profiles. The names in blue font have profiles that are complete and ready for download. Click on the name to obtain the desired file. More profiles will be added as they are completed so do check for updates. Updated profiles will have the update year after the name. For example those for California sagebrush, deerweed, black sage, and white sage, were updated in 2017 to reflect new information. The urls within all profiles were last updated in March 2020.
Species Common Name
Shrubs and Subshrubs:
Acmispon glaber (Vogel) Brouillet (2017 Update) deerweed
Adenostoma fasciculatum Hook. & Arn. chamise
Arctostaphylos glandulosa Eastwood’s manzanita
Arctostaphylos glauca bigberry manzanita
Artemisia californica Less. (2017 Update) California sagebrush
Baccharis pilularis DC. coyote bush
Ceanothus crassifolius Torr. hoaryleaf ceanothus
Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook.) Nutt. wedgeleaf ceanothus
Ceanothus leucodermis chaparral whitethorn
Cercocarpus betuloides mountain mahogany
Diplacus, the woody monkeyflower species bush monkey flowers
Encelia californica Nutt. California encelia
Encelia farinosa A. Gray ex Torr. brittlebush
Eriodictyon crassifolium Benth. thickleaf yerba santa
Eriodictyon trichocalyx Heller hairy yerba santa
Eriogonum fasciculatum Benth. (2018 Update) California buckwheat
Hesperoyucca whipplei chaparral yucca
Heteromeles arbutifolia (Lindl.) M. Roem. toyon, California holly
Isocoma menziesii (Hook. & Arn.) G. Nesom Menzies' goldenbush
Iva hayesiana Gray San Diego marsh elder
Lepidospartum squamatum (A. Gray) A. Gray scale broom
Lotus scoparius (see Acmispon glaber) deerweed
Malosma laurina (Nutt.) Nutt. ex Abrams laurel sumac
Mimulus species, woody- see Diplacus bush monkeyflowers
Prunus ilicifolia (Nutt. ex Hook. & Arn.) D. Dietr. hollyleaf cherry
Quercus berberidifolia scrub oak
Rhamnus crocea Nutt. spiny redberry
Rhamnus ilicifolia Kellogg hollyleaf redberry
Rhus ovata S. Watson sugarbush
Salvia apiana Jeps. (2017 Update) white sage
Salvia mellifera Greene (2017 Update) black sage
Perennial Herbs (including suffrutescent ones):
Abronia maritime Nutt. ex S. Wats. red sand verbena
Achillea millefolium L. common yarrow
Corethrogyne filaginifolia (Hook & Arn.) Nutt. common sand aster
Eriophyllum confertiflorum (DC.) A. Gray golden yarrow
Iva axillaris Pursh ssp. robustior (Hook.) Bassett western poverty weed
Annual Herbs:
Amsinckia intermedia Fischer & C. A. Meyer common fiddleneck
Deinandra fasiculata (DC.) Greene fascicled tarplant
Lasthenia californica Lindl. & L. gracilis (DC.) Green goldfields
Plantago erecta Morris California plantain
Grasses and Sedges:
Achnatherum hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Barkworth Indian ricegrass
Carex praegracilis W. Boott clustered field sedge
Nassella pulchra (A. Hitchc.) Barkworth purple needlegrass