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Backyard Birds of the Inland Empire

Backyard Birds of the Inland Empire book.

Backyards Birds of the Inland Empire is an easy-to-use guide that organizes 50 of the most common urban-adapted birds by color. Each bird entry is described by its behavior traits, calls, food preferences, and nesting patterns. From Brewer’s blackbirds and Nuttall’s woodpeckers to western screech owls and Costa’s hummingbirds, this full-color and handy reference guide makes the rich and abundant avian world of the Inland Empire come to life. Learn to create bird-friendly yards that serve as stepping stones of habitat from wildlands into cities.

The first edition, published in 2004, was developed by the Riverside Corona Resource Conservation District and won the National Association of Conservation Districts’ Outreach Award. The enhanced second edition has been co-published by Heyday Books in collaboration with Inlandia Institute.

Now available! Purchase this beautiful book for only $16.26 (includes tax). Purchases can be made Mon-Fri, 8am-3:30pm, at our main office. Payment can be cash or check. Please call 951-683-7691 ext 201 for questions and to arrange purchase. Copies are also available for purchase at our Sycamore Creek Interpretive Center.

Flora of the Santa Ana River and Environs book.

Flora of the Santa Ana River and Environs

By Oscar Clarke, Greg Ballmer, Danielle Svehla and Arlee Montalvo,

In this seminal guide to the flora of the Santa Ana River, Oscar F. Clarke and his team have compiled descriptions of 900 plant species, accompanied by 3,200 images and illustrations. The book also serves as an introduction to basic botanical concepts and is arranged by evolutionary relationships, to aid readers in plant identification. Historical and cultural uses, plant diseases, and associations with insects, birds, and mammals of both native and introduced species are woven together with technical information to paint a rich picture of the flora of this region as well as to relate it to that of the rest of the world.

The 2nd edition of the Flora sells for $25.43 plus (includes tax) and is avaialable at the main office as well as at our Sycamore Creek Interpretive Center.

May contain: plant, blossom, and flower

Wildflowers and Important Native Plants of the Inland Empire

By Barabara Iyer Photography By Jennifer Iyer

Available starting August 1st! Wildflowers and Important Native Plants of the Inland Empire will help you identify plants by the color and size of their flowers. The book provides easy to use features:

• full color photos of each unique plant

• park locations for seeking wildflowers

• a comprehensive glossary and drawings to help with unfamiliar terms.

This book has more than 80 species descriptions covering the plants you’re most likely to see in southern California’s inland valleys and foothills of western San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Plant descriptions include information about Native American, landscape, and wildlife uses of plants. Chapters include information about dangerous plants, plant communities, and plant conservation. You can purchase this book for only $19.34 (includes tax). Please see the order form for additional details. 

2023 book order form.pdf