Enhancement and Restoration
The Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District (RCRCD) improves habitat within the District service area through the processes of enhancement and restoration. As a part of assessing land for conservation, the RCRCD examines the health of any habitat existing on that land. During this survey RCRCD determines whether the existing habitat is in excellent condition, could benefit from some improvement, or is in need of repair. The goal of all projects is to provide healthy functioning habitat that can be sustainably maintained in perpetuity.
The RCRCD conducts habitat enhancement projects to improve certain aspects of habitat, such as by removing weeds in slightly infested areas. Once initial enhancement activities are complete, the habitat often begins improving naturally, although follow up treatments are conducted to ensure the infestation doesn’t return.
Habitat restoration is conducted by the RCRCD in areas where there is significant damage to existing habitat and it isn’t likely to recover without significant help. Restoration projects involve more significant improvements than enhancement ones, and consist of removing weeds, site prep, native plant installation, and irrigation and maintenance for several years. Restoration and enhancement are the two types of projects that the RCRCD conducts most frequently.

There is another type of project, habitat creation, that the RCRCD will occasionally conduct. This type of project is quite uncommon as it is difficult to create the environment for a new type of habitat in an area where it doesn’t already exist. When it is possible, RCRCD generally conducts these types of projects in areas where stream courses have been widened or other places where the hydrology of a site can sustainably be altered.
Although many of the RCRCD enhancement, restoration, and creation projects are for riparian and associated habitat types such as willow mulefat scrub, alluvial scrub, and oak woodland, some projects are conducted in other habitats or for the benefit of specific plant or animal species.