Natural Resources
The Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District (RCRCD) works to sustain natural resources and helps others conserve resources, so that high quality water, land, soil, wildlife, air, and plant life will be abundant forever.

What are Natural Resources?
Natural resources are materials or substances, used by humans, that already exist in the world-things that come from nature or the earth. Natural resources are essential to the survival of humans and all other living organisms. All the products we need and want in our everyday lives, such as furniture, food, medicine, clothing, and plastics, all come from natural resources. As the population grows, there is an ever increasing demand for new products, causing a rapid depletion of our natural resources. It is important to recognize and understand that people and their livelihoods depend on using our resources sustainably.
Renewable Natural Resources
Renewable resources refer to resources that can naturally regenerate after use, such as wind and solar energy, A renewable resource is a natural resource that can be used repeatedly and replaced naturally when used sustainably. Conservationists throughout the world advocate for the use of renewable resources because they are readily available and less costly to the environment.
Non-renewable Natural Resources
Non-renewable resources are those resources that are present in finite amounts, or take an incredibly long time to replenish, often longer than a human lifespan. Non-renewable resources include products such as soil, crude oil, precious metals, minerals, and rocks. Some endangered animals are also classified as non-renewable resources because their mortality rate is much higher than their reproduction rate. These non-renewable resources need to be protected and to be used responsibly to stop their depletion.
Natural Resource Management
The RCRCD focuses primarily on the categories of air, plants, soil, wildlife, and water, supporting proper management and sustainable use of these natural resources. The sustainable use of resources depends on careful management, with a particular focus on how resource consumption and use affects the quality of life for both present and future generations. Natural resource management requires that all stakeholders come together and address a wide range of issues such as land use planning, water conservation, biodiversity, recreation, agriculture, and environmental impacts.