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Educational Programs

An award banner for "BEST in Environmental Ed" given to RCRC by environmental organizations in 2024 with flowers and a butterfly.

The Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District (RCRCD) strives to educate residents of all ages by offering educational programs, technical assistance, and resource information, per Divison 9 of the California Public Resources Code Article 1 Policy 9001 Section B Article 4. The District seeks to empower people to be stewards (caretakers) of natural resources and to be well-informed about resource issues and management. The RCRCD provides a variety of educational services concerning natural resources and their stewardship.

Educational Partnerships

The RCRCD works to support a more sustainable use of urban areas, largely through synergistic partnerships with those who have complimentary goals.

Staff has helped build capacity for groups and public-private partnerships including: Riverside City-County Arroyo/Watershed Committee, Riverside Food Systems Alliance, GrowRIVERSIDE, Riverside Community Garden Council and local gardens, Inland Urban Forest Council, the Environmental Education Coalition, and more.

The RCRCD partners with numerous organizations to provide education and outreach programs and reach broader audiences. Some educational partners include the City of Riverside, Inland Urban Forest Council, California Native Plant Society, California Urban Forest Council, California ReLeaf, UC Riverside, US Forest Service Fire Lab, Preserve the Plateau, Friends of the Entomology Museum at UCR (FERM), and the Riverside Metropolitan Museum.

The Enivronmental Education Collaborative of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties holds monthly meetings and annual workshops. The RCRCD provides support and has hosted its meetings and developed the Environmental Learning Resources Guide in collaboration with them and their partners to better extend educational resources for all .

Educational Publications

The RCRCD creates localized educational publications about stewardship and resource management and distributes them at outreach events, workshops, and at partners’ programs. You may also access some publications here.

The RCRCD seeks new ways to coordinate with others to help sustain natural resources. The District works with organizations, agencies, businesses and individuals at federal, state and local levels. If you are seeking assistance with a project, please contact District Manager, Kerwin Russell at

Virtual Education Programs

The RCRCD now offersvirtual educational programs! Programs covering  pollinators or water topics are currently available; and can be used in a variety of settings.  For more information, check out our program promos below.  For questions, please contact Education and Engagement Specialist, Erin Snyder,