About Us
The Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District (RCRCD) is a local government agency that helps conserve the natural resources (soil, water, plants, and wildlife) of areas within western Riverside and San Bernardino Counties in southern California. The District provides technical advice to land users, educational programs for the community and conducts on-the-land conservation projects.
The RCRCD works to sustain natural resources by:

• Providing onsite technical assistance, such as irrigation system evaluations
• Conserving habitat through land acquisition, habitat restoration, and management
• Restoring native species and conducting aquatic species research and propagation
• Educating broad audiences about stewardship* of resources in natural, urban, and agricultural ecosystems.
*Stewardship is the responsible management of natural resources and systems. Stewards conserve limited resources, help regenerate degraded natural systems, and safeguard the quality of land, soil, water, air, plants, and wildlife.
RCRCD Your World
Areas of Focus
As defined in Division 9, Resource Conservation Districts are given broad abilities to protect natural resources from preventable waste and destruction.
The scope of work at the Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District reflects local issues.
The major RCRCD programs address, but are not limited to:
• Conservation of irrigation water
• Prevention of soil erosion and storm water pollution
• Habitat conservation: preservation, restoration, and management
• Facilitating sustainable agriculture and a local farm to fork food system.
In the past, the goal of the RCRCD was “to conserve”, or use resources wisely, without waste or pollution. However, conservation is only one component of “sustaining” resources. To sustain resources means to use them in ways that they will last forever. It requires us to plan for the future, not just conserve in the present.
Today our goal is to determine the best site-specific management for each land use to sustain resources while minimizing hazards to human health and environmental quality over the long term.
The RCRCD is an independent special district enabled by Division 9 of the California Public Resources Code. The District is self-governed by a locally appointed five member Board of Directors. The Board is comprised of citizens who know local resource problems. The Directors guide programs, direct operations, set policies, establish priorities, and plan resource conservation goals.
RCRCD is non-regulatory; it achieves its conservation goals by working cooperatively with others.