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LandUse Learning Center

The LandUse Learning Center (LLC) is a demonstration garden that exhibits sustainable practices for the three main land uses of southern California: native habitats, urban areas, and agriculture.

OPEN DAILY 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Closed holidays.

May contain: plant, vegetation, grass, nature, outdoors, park, herbal, herbs, path, trail, land, tree, woodland, garden, and scenery

The LLC serves as an educational tool for empowering southern Californians to practice natural resource stewardship at home, at work, and in the community. Each area includes labeled plants with accompanying plant lists. The three garden areas demonstrate ways that land management practices, wise land use planning, and retrofits can be used to create urban and agro-ecosystems that function more like healthy natural ecosystems.
Healthy natural systems:
• filter and clean water and air
• reduce runoff and moderate flooding
• infiltrate water for storage in underground aquifers
• decompose wastes and cycle nutrients for new plant growth
• support pollinators, beneficial insects, and biological control of pests.

    The 3-acre demonstration garden is located at the Resource Conservation Center, a re-purposed research facility, the former US Salinity Laboratory. The goal of the Resource Conservation Center is to foster community conservation efforts and to serve as a location for information exchange concerning sustainable natural resource management.

    Conservation agencies and grassroots organizations with complimentary missions utilize the demonstration garden and conference room for programs, training, and meetings.

    When visiting the LandUse Learning Center, please sign in and pick up plant lists, technical publications and educational materials. Additional assistance is available at Building A.

    Native Plant Sale by RCRCD: drought-tolerant plants, open through May, $10 for pots, $25 for trees. Proceeds support conservation programs.

    Native Plant Sale

    A rotating selection of dozens of species are on sale November through May at the garden. Stock is updated weekly. Plants are $10 for one-gallon pots, and $25 for trees. Cash or check only. Our selection includes shrubs, flowers, sages, grasses and more.

    Proceeds benefit RCRCD’s native plant nursery and education programs.

    Find a basic inventory list at  Please  call or email ahead to confirm availability as things change quickly.

    Download a flyer for the sale here:

    Plant Sale Flyer


    Watch a piece of our Native Habitat Area change with the seasons:

    May contain: neighborhood, outdoors, airport, architecture, building, and campus

    Would you like to see a preview? Check out the LandUse Learning Center Story Map: