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Ernesto Alvarado

Position: Native Plant Nursery Coordinator 
Email Address:

Contact me if you would like more information about native plants, or the plants you can find in our LandUse Learning Center garden.  Please also email me if you have any interest in volunteering to care for the garden space.

Ernesto Alvarado began his interest in plants at an early age before discovering the beauty and importance of California native plants in 2004, where he grew native plants for coastal restoration projects in the efforts to bring back the endangered El Segundo blue butterfly (Euphilotes battoides allyni). His interest in conservation and restoration led him to obtain a degree in Wildlife Management  and Conservation from Humboldt State University. After graduation he had the opportunity to continue  growing California native plants for Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, where he became familiar with many more California native plants including many native cultivars ideal for the California garden. His passion and curiosity for native plants continues to thrive as he currently assists with growing local native plants for RCRCD's restoration projects and looks after the gardens and habitat at the LandUse Learning Center.