Amphibian-Reptile Project
Amphibian - Reptile Project
RCRCD conducts a restoration program for amphibians and turtles which includes the trapping and removal of exotic animals from RCRCD managed ponds and streams. RCRCD also conducts surveys for native species including the California salamander, Coast range newt, California tree frog and the Western pond turtle, the only native turtle in Southern California.
RCRCD’s 300-foot long “created” stream and raceways support native fish populations of Speckled Dace, Arroyo Chub and the Santa Ana Sucker and are used by both the conservation district and regulatory agencies. Quarantine tanks are used to temporarily hold amphibians and turtles that have been found by residents or when catastrophic events cause them to be displaced.
Learn more about native fish in the guide Protecting Our Native Fish.